Vi hjälper dig

Vi hjälper dig som husägare i vardagen. Vi svarar på frågor om ditt hus och boende, driver opinion som gör skillnad och hjälper dig att hålla kostnaderna nere med bra rabatter. Och det tänker vi fortsätta med. 200 000 hushåll har redan valt att bli medlemmar hos oss. Bli det du också!

About us

Villaägarnas Riksförbund (Swedish Homeowners Association) is a national organization working to promote and protect the interests of homeowners both today and in the future – thereby making life easier for homeowners.

200 000 households are members and they are found throughout Sweden.

The Association does public relations work and also communicates the key interests and needs of homeowners to the heads of various government bodies, as well as to other influential opinion leaders. The Association offers various member benefits and discounts, as well as free professional advice. In addition, members also receive the Association’s magazine, Villaägaren, five times a year.

Villaägarnas Riksförbund is a member of the International Union of Property Owners.

Our organisation

The main office of Villaägarnas Riksförbund is located in Stockholm. The national organisation comprises seven regional organisations. Each geographical region has their own regional office. The association was founded in 1952 and has approximately 45 employees. Most of the members are affiliated with one of our  200 local societies. 

The Congress is the top decision making body of Villaägarnas Riksförbund and meets every four years. The Congress elects the executive committee that bears the overall responsibility for Villaägarnas' activities.

Each region has a regional committee that is elected by the regions' local societies. Sweden has approximately 2 million detached and semi-detached houses that are used as permanent homes, and approximately 400 000 holiday homes.

Our goals and objectives

The purpose of the campaigning work is to get political decisions that protect the interests of homeowners and that strengthen their position as consumers.

The objective of our expert panel is to offer members the benefit of free professional advice in all areas relating to home ownership.

The goal of our member benefits is to offer a wide selection of products useful to homeowners, services that meet members’ demands and to enable members to save both time and money.